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Kettlebell Workout For Weight Loss - The 3 Best Kettlebell Exercises For Stomach Fat

kettlebell workout for weight loss

You've been on your fitness journey for a while, but no matter what you try that last little bit of fat around your lower stomach just insists on staying put.

First off, let me clear up a common misconception for you:

Targeting the area with tons of ab exercises WILL NOT help.

This may seem like the best option, though despite the logic, unfortunately we cannot target specific areas of the body to lose fat.

But don't worry, I'm here to tell you exactly what you can do to get that definition you desire. In this post, I will show you the 3 exercises you should be doing, why they work and how to perform them with good technique. Whats more, I'll even provide you with a program for the exercises so you'll have all the ingredients you need to get started today.

Now, to finally rid of the spare tyre, we are looking for exercises that tick the following 3 boxes:

• Compound Movement (works multiple muscle groups at once)

• Requires core activation and stability

• Has a cardiovascular element, as well as strength

Now, there are 3 effective kettlebell exercises I have picked out that fit the bill perfectly.

1. Turkish Get Up

The first name on the team sheet is the Turkish Get Up. This a great kettlebell exercise for weight loss that combines aspects of a sit up, glute bridge, windmill AND lunge. Almost every muscle in the body is worked, making this exercise invaluable in your road to a flat stomach.

As this movement has many components to focus on, it is important you take the time to make sure you are completing it correctly. Here is a step by step guide to the Turkish Get Up:

kettlebell workout for weight loss

The Set Up:

• Lie flat on your back, with the kettlebell sitting deep in your palm. Your wrist should be held firm. Your arm should be locked at the elbow and pointing towards the ceiling (this will be applicable throughout the entire movement) . Engage your core by pushing your lower back into the ground.

• Bend the knee on the side that you're holding the kettlebell in. The opposite arm should be out at approximately 45 degrees to the body, with your palm flat on the floor.

kettlebell workout for weight loss

The Sit Up 'Roll'

• The initial movement is a controlled 'roll' onto the forearm, before pushing up to your hand.

• Push into the ground with the foot that is flat and 'pull' towards the opposite side with your elbow. Your straight leg should remain grounded.

• Keep the shoulder 'packed' by pulling it down and engaging your Lat in the upper back. Avoid shrugging the shoulder up.

kettlebell workout for weight loss

The Hip Raise

• Push into the floor with your planted hand and foot - Raising your hips up high.

• Keep this movement controlled and find your balance at the top of the raise. Keep your core tight.

• Your hips should be high enough to allow room for your straight leg to be slowly moved underneath your body.

• Keep your eyes on the kettlebell, making sure it does not move off its vertical position.

kettlebell workout for weight loss

The 'Slide Through'

• Keeping your hips high, slide your straight leg underneath your body and into a kneeling position

• In this position, your front leg and back leg create an almost 'T' position. This is perfectly fine and can be adjusted after the next movement pattern.

kettlebell workout for weight loss

The Windmill

• Sit back slightly towards your heel, and use your core to control yourself up to a lunge position. Again, keep your eyes on the bell.

• Make sure your are using your core for this component, and not relying on momentum from a push with your hand.

• Now you are in this position, you can adjust the positioning so your front leg and back leg align.

kettlebell workout for weight loss

The Lunge

• Push through the heel of your front foot to bring you up to a standing position.

• Stay as upright as possible to avoid the kettlebell falling away from vertical.

• Keep your belly button tucked to maintain core stability.

• You have completed HALF of the Turkish Get Up. You now need to repeat the steps backwards to return to the original position...

2. Kettlebell Swing

On to the second exercise: the Kettlebell Swing. The king of posterial strength, working the Hamstrings, Glutes and Lower Back - As well as incorporating the Abs, Shoulders and Lats for stability. The swing also has an incredible cardiovascular effect... Making it the PERFECT kettlebell exercise for weight loss! Here's how to perform the movement:

kettlebell workout for weight loss

• The Kettlebell Swing is a HINGE movement and not a squat. Think about pushing your hips back and reaching behind you - Feel a stretch in your Hamstrings.

• Maintain tightness in your upper back by pulling the shoulders BACK and DOWN.

• Keep the handle above knee height as you swing back - Swinging too low to the ground can put unnecessary pressure on your lower back.

kettlebell workout for weight loss

• Push your hips forward against your arms explosively. The height that the kettlebell swings comes from the thrust of the hips and NOT from the shoulders.

• Squeeze your Glutes as you reach a standing plank position, with your knees and hips locked.

• Make sure you AVOID over extending the back / leaning backwards as this can also put too much pressure on the lower back.

• Allow the kettlebell to fall and use this momentum to hinge at your hips - The hinge should begin as the kettlebell reaches your body.

3. Clean & Press

The final exercise that makes the cut is the clean and press. Another awesome full body movement that involves a push with the legs as well as a push and pull with the upper body. Pushing the kettlebell above your head requires a great amount of core stability and focus. It ticks all the boxes and therefore should always be a staple in any kettlebell workout for weight loss!

kettlebell workout for weight loss

• Begin with a hip-width stance and the kettlebell mid-foot.

• Hold the handle on the top and engage your Lats by pulling your shoulders back and down.

• Keep your arms straight, as the initial movement comes from the legs.

kettlebell workout for weight loss

• Explosively push into the floor with your heels to begin the movement, before pulling vertically with your upper body. The power generated should bring the kettlebell up to chest height, where you can then 'catch' the sides of the handle.

• Keep the belly button tucked to engage your core, avoiding leaning back excessively.

kettlebell workout for weight loss

• Push the kettlebell above your head, without bending at the knees.

• Maintain tension throughout the body and extend the elbows until slightly off-lock.

• Once you've hit this position, you can then slowly lower the kettlebell back to your chest and then to the floor, adjusting your grip back to the top of the handle ready for the next rep.


There we have it - The 3 exercises you need to lose the stubborn fat. All you need is a single kettlebell; who'd have thought, eh?

'So, now what?'

Now, my friend, we can put these exercises into the ultimate kettlebell workout program for weight loss to get the ball rolling...

The program I am going to prescribe you is based around 3 workout sessions per week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday, or similar). This allows for sufficient rest between workouts, but still provides enough volume to get amazing results. Here's how it goes:

DAY 1:

Round 1:

1 Turkish Get Up / side

10 Kettlebell Swings

10 Clean & Press

(60s rest)

Round 2:

2 Turkish Get Ups / Side

10 Kettlebell Swings

10 Clean & Press

(60s rest)

Round 3:

3 Turkish Get Ups / Side

10 Kettlebell Swings

10 Clean & Press

(60s rest)

Round 4:

4 Turkish Get Ups / Side

10 Kettlebell Swings

10 Clean & Press

(60s rest)

Round 5:

5 Turkish Get Ups / Side

10 Kettlebell Swings

10 Clean & Press


DAY 2:

16 Turkish Get Ups - Alternating sides with as little rest as possible

(60s rest)

25 Kettlebell Swings

(60s rest)

25 Kettlebell Swings

(10s rest)

Immediately followed by:

5 x 5 Kettlebell Swings

(10s rest between each set of 5)

(60s rest)

5 x 5 Clean & Press

(60s rest between each set of 5)


DAY 3:

Round 1:

1 Turkish Get Up (left)

5 Swings, 5 Clean & Press

1 Turkish Get Up (right)

(60s rest)

Round 2:

1 Turkish Get Up (left)

10 Swings, 10 Clean & Press

1 Turkish Get Up (right)

(60s rest)

Round 3:

1 Turkish Get Up (left)

15 Swings, 15 Clean & Press

1 Turkish Get Up (right)

(60s rest)

Round 4:

1 Turkish Get Up (left)

20 Swings, 20 Clean & Press

1 Turkish Get Up (right)

(60s rest)

Round 5:

1 Turkish Get Up (left)

15 Swings, 15 Clean & Press

1 Turkish Get Up (right)

(60s rest)

Round 6:

1 Turkish Get Up (left)

10 Swings, 10 Clean & Press

1 Turkish Get Up (right)

(60s rest)

Round 7:

1 Turkish Get Up (left)

5 Swings, 5 Clean & Press

1 Turkish Get Up (right)


Repeat days 1, 2 & 3 each week.

As you progress, you should aim to increase the weight of the kettlebell you are using. Start off light and work on perfecting your form for each exercise - Remember you are better off sticking with the same weight than moving up before you are ready.

It is also important to remember than your diet also plays a large role in your physique.

Losing the fat won't be possible without paying attention to the food you consume.

The most important factors to consider with your diet are:

• The amount of calories you consume.

You want to be aiming for a daily caloric deficit of 200-300. You can work out an estimate for the number of calories you should consume with an online calculator such as the one here.

• The amount of protein you consume.

Protein is just as important, if not more important, for fat loss as it is for gaining muscle. It enables you to maintain the strength and muscle you have whilst losing weight, giving you a toned look (rather than a skinny look).

You should aim for 0.8-1g of protein per lbs of bodyweight.

If you follow this guide, please share your results!

Tag me on instagram @jackwhitefitness

Let's see some of your favourite kettlebell workouts for weight loss!

Hit me up with any questions!


Need some help achieving your goals? If you live in the Southampton / Winchester area (UK) then click here to apply for 1-1 in person coaching!

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